waiting for Viareggio Carneval
/in Uncategorized /by InversiliaNewPasseggiando per negozi a febbraio capita di imbattersi in giornate che si direbbero quasi primaverili: un bel sole in cielo, temperature miti e tanta gente in giro a spendere qualche ora piacevole con gli amici. Ammettiamolo, qua in Versilia è tutto più bello: passeggiare a pochi metri da acqua salata e sabbia non ha prezzo, […]
Arcobaleno d’Estate e Notte Bianca
/0 Comments/in Viareggio, Lungomare Folklore /by InversiliaNewArcobaleno d’Estate e Notte Bianca
23rd of June, from 7 pm to 12 pm
Viareggio, lungomare
Music and cocktails all over the seafront to welcome the summer season. Free admission.
French music concert
/0 Comments/in Hotel Esplanade Concerts/Shows /by InversiliaNew23rd of June, 8,45 pm
Hotel Esplanade, Viareggio, Marco Polo
French music concert with Gérard Michel. Free admission.
Extraordinary opening | Villa Puccini
/0 Comments/in Villa Puccini /by InversiliaNewExtraordinary opening | Villa Puccini
23rd of June, from 3 to 7 pm
Villa Puccini, Viale Buonarroti 75, Viareggio, Marco Polo
Extraordinary opening of Villa Puccini in Viareggio with special visits only on Saturday during the
summer period. Free admission, reservation requested.
Info: 0583 1900379
Shake the show
/0 Comments/in Gran Teatro Gicomo Puccini Concerts/Shows /by InversiliaNewShake the show
15th-17th of June, according to te programme
Gran Teatro Giacomo Puccini, Auditorium Enrico Caruso, Via delle Torbiere, Viareggio, Torre del Lago
Youth theater festival by a local company. Tickets € 5,00 valid for all shows on the same day.
Info: 331 6211682,
Teatro Estate
/0 Comments/in Teatro Estate c/o Bocciofila Conference /by InversiliaNewTeatro Estate
15th-16th of June, 6 pm & 9 pm.
Teatro Estate c/o Bocciofila, Viale Capponi 10, Pineta di Ponente, Viareggio, centro
Conference and Comedy theatre in the park. Free admission.
Info: fb per un futuro possibile
Events in Villa Argentina
/0 Comments/in Villa Argentina Conference /by InversiliaNew Villa Argentina
15th-17th of June
Villa Argentina, Via Fratti angolo Via Vespucci 44, Viareggio, centro
15th of June at 5.30 pm book presentation in italian language “Piuttosto m’affogherei di Valeria Palumbo”
Book presentations and art exhibition at Villa Argentina. Free admission.
Info: 0584 1647600
3° Trofeo Gambe di Merlo
/0 Comments/in Belvedere Puccini Sport event /by InversiliaNew3° Trofeo Gambe di Merlo
10th of June, 5 pm
Belvedere Puccini, Viareggio, Torre del Lago Puccini
Kayak Olimpica (dalle 9.30 alle 15.00).
Typical boat race on lake Massaciuccoli.
Info: 338 5913119
Teatro Estate
/0 Comments/in Teatro Estate c/o Bocciofila Concerts/Shows /by InversiliaNewTeatro Estate
9-10th of June, 9,15 pm
Teatro Estate c/o Bocciofila, Viale Capponi 10, Pineta di Ponente, Viareggio, centro
Musical and dance shows in the park. Free admission.
Festival Shelley
/0 Comments/in Villa Paolina /by InversiliaNewFestival Shelley
Shelley festival with conferences about Romantic poetry and other themes also in English. Free
Info: 0584 966346-966338
Antonio Possenti, di Segni e di Sogni
/0 Comments/in GAMC Exhibit /by InversiliaNewAntonio Possenti, di Segni e di Sogni
Until the 11th of November, visiting time: from Wednesday to Saturday from 3.30 to 7.30 pm. Sunday from 9.30 am to
1.30 pm and from 3.30 to 7,30 pm.
GAMC Galleria d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea “Lorenzo Viani”, Viareggio, centro
In occasion of the tenth anniversary of the opening of the gallery of modern art, a special exhibition
dedicated to Antonio Possenti. Admission euro 8,00, concessions euro 4,00. Every third Sunday of the
month the free entrance and free guided visit.
Info: 0584 581118